The Australian Shepherd is an intelligent working dog of strong herding and guarding instincts. He is a loyal companion and has the stamina to work all day. He is well balanced, slightly longer than tall, of medium size and bone, with coloring that offers variety and individuality.
Australian Shepherds: the most honest dog breed review you'll ever find about Australian Shepherd temperament, personality, and behavior.
The Australian Shepherd is intelligent, primarily a working dog of strong herding and guardian instincts. He is an exceptional companion. He is versatile and easily trained, performing his assigned tasks with great style and enthusiasm. He is reserved with strangers but does not exhibit shyness.
Australian Shepherds are a truly versatile breed. Not only are they agile working dogs, but they are also extremely intelligent and wonderful family companions.
The Australian Shepherd dog breed has a temperament and personality that has two distinct sides: one is that of a friendly family dog, and the other is that of a .